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Old 11-18-2020, 05:35 PM   #5
Killer Bee
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Re: Quadrajet Carb gettin' place

Originally Posted by GSP7 View Post
Called their carb shop , they dont have a carb for that my truck and if the did he couldnt tell me if the jets and metering rods would even match .... or be able to pass a emission test

I thought that was odd

does sound odd.. I had a 74 C20 back in the 90's they rebuilt a carb for, no smog issues.. sold that truck under protest - now smog exempt

everything since they've done for me are smog exempt so never discussed it with him..

there's some specific models listed on top of this list;

might get real close to what you need with more detail search there or summit, etc..

although not a smog tech, or ever been one, I do supervise them at work and I'm the station manager for my larger shop.. we're captured fleet and don't have anything carb'd.. but who is telling you the jets, casting numbers, etc. are scrutinized for your inspection? BAR inspector? get flagged as gross polluter?

I've got a lot of friends in the biz here in socal.. if we knew where you were might be able to turn you on to a local shop that could of take care of you..

good luck!
I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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