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Old 11-21-2020, 05:45 PM   #2
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Re: Moving a large camper with my stepside.

Yes, it should work. Is the camper an eight footer? That is, not counting the overhang? Your short box is six feet and if you leave the tailgate down on chains it should support nearly the whole box. The overall weight is also a concern, especially because the load is shifted aft a bit, but for just fifty feet my guess is your truck could take it.
P.S.- just a tip for you. Cut four blocks of 4x4 lumber to fit between your trucks inner bed sides and the camper box. Just sit them on the floor of the bed in each corner and the camper box will not slide around and get off-center.
EDIT: Derr... the corner blocks apply mostly for a fleet side. I guess there's not much room to get sideways in a step side. My goof.

Last edited by oem4me; 11-21-2020 at 07:59 PM.
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