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Old 11-21-2020, 07:09 PM   #23
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Re: 350 with more leaks than you can imagine

Originally Posted by RichardJ View Post
Boog mentioned that the grommet is probably hard as a rock. A new grommet will seal better and make it easier to take that hose off/on.

The simple tool below is used for checking the PCV System. With the engine idling and the oil fill cap removed, this is placed on the fill hole for a go/no go indication.

You can also just place the palm of your hand over the fill hole or a strip of paper. There should be a slight vacuum felt.

If there is smoke coming out the fill hole, the PCV is not working or there is way too much blow-by for the PCV system to handle

Wow, i’ve never seen a tool like that before?! Where in the world did you acquire that, looks like something from the 70s! What you say for testing the system and having a slight vacuum in the crank case is correct. The blow by pressure can be the cause of oil leaks at various points on the engine as well. Typical on a high mileage worn out motor.

Steve weim55 Colorado
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