Thread: Alcan Springs?
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Old 11-21-2020, 08:34 PM   #1
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Alcan Springs?

Anyone have trouble installing Alcan Springs?

I ordered custom springs through Offroad Designs that were made by Alcan for my 1972 Suburban 4x4 with a Cummins with 2.5"lift.

Im running a 1992 Dodge Dana 60 front and Offroad Designs makes a kit to also install.

Well here's my problem....

The front spring have a "Military Wrap" front eye....the original spring also had a similar military wrap but only 1/4 wrap whereas the Alcan springs have 3/4 wrap which is now thicker and rubs on the rivets within the spring pocket....

Any suggestions?

I'll be calling Offroad Designs Monday when they open but thought I's see if anyone on here also had this experience and possible work around.

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