11-22-2020, 12:42 AM
Always on the hunt...
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Portland, OR.
Posts: 5,874
Re: WTB: OEM Escutcheons (8) - Any color
Originally Posted by lks dcvn
That will get me part of the way there
Hello, just came across your WTB thread this evening, we have several GM boxes of these NOS 67-71 handle escutcheons on hand/ready to ship. Per your original post "Seeking 8", we can get three more headed your way to go along with the other five that Tmend sold you. If interested cost would be $27. + $6. for USPS first class shipment to OH. 43021, or $8.30 for USPS priority sm box shipment. Let us know, Mel 