11-23-2020, 01:35 PM
Always on the hunt...
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Portland, OR.
Posts: 5,874
Re: WTB: OEM Escutcheons (8) - Any color
Originally Posted by lks dcvn
That will get me part of the way there
Okay per your sent pm, if interested in purchasing 3 escutcheons the cost would be $27. and if you decide on buying 7 the cost would $63., add $6. for USPS first class shipment to OH. 43021 or $8.30 for USPS priority shipment on either quantity. Funds can be sent via paypal, check or money order, if using paypal option add 3%. Confirm payment method of choice and we'll get that info returned back to you. Thanks, Mel