Originally Posted by lks dcvn
That will get me part of the way there
lks dcvn, the GM escutcheons (Qty. 7) are headed your way, the package went out via USPS first class on Tue. 11/24 and the expected delivery day is Mon. 11/30. Thanks again for the repeat business and let me know if we can help with any other 67-72 parts needs, Mel
Originally Posted by mad68rs
I would be interested in 8. Please send paypal info. First class shipping is fine. Thanks.
mad68rs, your GM escutcheons (Qty. 8) are also under way, your package went out via USPS first class on Tue. 11/24 and the expected delivery day is this Sat. 11/28. Thanks again and let me know if we can help with any other 67-72 parts needs, Mel