Thread: slammed 57
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Old 11-25-2020, 11:27 AM   #320
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Re: slammed 57

quote: Raptor
"extremely easy to use and make's some not so good looking look great!"

does it come as a facial? I could use some of that. haha.

looking good. keep those pics rolling in, we all like to see them. it gets us inspired again.

got inspired. went to the bolt supply place yesterday with my 4 1/2 year old grandson. covid restrictions in the place so masks, hand sanitizer etc. the counter was actually taped off and there was a row of makeshift boxes as a barrier to getting too close. it took them awhile to pick the stainless fasteners but after a 140 dollar hit to the visa we were off. no, I didn't buy my grandson the 50 dollar flashlight he thought he needed but on the bright side he didn't break anything or knock over any displays. his eyes were wide open the whole time though and lots of questions. anyway, when I got home I realized I had only grabbed the bags off one of the boxes so I need to take another trip across town to pick up the ones I left sitting there on another box further over. my wife was like "so, you spend 140 bucks on bolts and washers and then leave 100 bucks worth of stuff in a bag sitting on a box in the showroom?" yup. oh well. I actually need more stuff anyway so it won't be a wasted trip. lol.
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