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Old 11-30-2020, 07:03 PM   #1
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Posts: 282
3spd transmission with overdrive


I just recently went to a cruise in and was talking to a guy that had a 1965 Chevy C10 with a 327 engine with 3 spd with overdrive. Since I’m gathering parts to build my 1965 Chevy C10 and I have a 300hp 327 engine out of a 1962 Corvette it’s pretty much stock. I talked to this guy for a while and he put it in his truck and he finds it to be more driver friendly on engine. I plan on driving my truck a lot when it’s done. I heard of overdrive but never seen one in a C10 truck. I done some research and there are different types of overdrive transmissions. ( this guy had a Saginaw SM-326 3 spd with overdrive) I read on the internet 4 bolt transmission side cover and seven bolt pattern different types shift linkage etc. wiring harness and cable with overdrive T handle.

I am curious to hear from members who have them in their trucks. How rare are these transmissions? Do you guys like them? How much does a complete average 3 spd with overdrive cost? There a difference between truck and passenger car over drive transmissions? I guess I am wondering if the juice is worth the squeeze. I am interested in buying a complete unit. I want one where I can just put it in and not hunt down parts for it. I want it to be correct vintage. You can see my ad in the for sale section thanks again for your input. Be gentle I’m. Learning as I go along.
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