Thread: Mpg
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Old 12-01-2020, 10:26 PM   #12
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Re: Mpg

There's two significant factors involved in fuel mileage. Height of the truck, and weight of the truck.

These older trucks are typically several thousand pounds lighter than the modern Tahoes and Silverados that we're pulling engines from. This bumps our mileage up a little bit.

More importantly, a c10 sits much lower than a modern truck, which significantly reduces the wind resistance. Lower a c10, and the effect is even more pronounced. Jack up a k10, and the mileage will suffer a lot. The actual shape of the front end is much less important than the overall height of the truck.
1987 C6P V20 truck, 2010 LMG 5.3, AFM delete, 2010 Camaro exhaust manifolds, 1997 nv4500, 1991 np241c, hydroboost, 2005 14bff axle & driveshaft, drop-n-lock gooseneck, 4.10 gears, stock suspension, rims, and tires. Still a work in progress. Any questions or suggestions are welcome!
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