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Old 12-05-2020, 07:24 PM   #566
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Re: 1965 LWB Stepside Build

OK finally got my truck back the day before Thanksgiving, but it wasn't running the last week I have been dialing in the EFI and doing some minor things. Today, I got a major thing done...finally put the bed back on it. 3 of my buddies from Church came this morning to help me. Only took a few minutes to get it on and the bolts through the wood bed. You know you have good friends when they get under your truck to help line things up!

Here are a few pics of the process and the finished product...although the truck isn't finished, my wife and I did go for a quick cruise late this afternoon. Was so nice being able to get in and go...Now just need to button some things up..front bumper, seat belts, etc.
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