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Old 12-08-2020, 12:02 AM   #11
Steve Cole
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Re: Anyone ever see this fault code? It sounds serious!

Ok, I still have this issue. To answer Clinebarger's questions,- the battery appears to be fully topped off. I ran the motor about 5 minutes tonight and kept checking the battery with my meter. It stayed around 13.69 v the whole time. I ran it about 10 minutes the day before so I have to assume the alternator is charging the battery, otherwise it wouldn't be topped off. I don't know what he means by "is the regulator plugged in?"

This is a 2005 engine with the same alternator that came with it. I have a battery cable running from the + battery terminal to the starter, and a charge lead cable from the alternator to the + battery terminal. The - battery terminal runs to the engine block, the block to the frame and the chassis to the frame.
When I clear the fault code with my reader, the reader immediately rescans and the fault comes back.
I am in over my head with with this and would appreciate any suggestions what to check or look at.
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