Here's some information. Blue font is useful, black is gibberish:
If you haven't already you might add 1972 Z161544 with a build date 04/19/1972. He posted it in 2013, fairly well preserved build sheet too - gave me something to work with. I went through this to attempt to confirm my well ventilated 72 Super Z146839 was built in Mar. though perhaps Feb. using the most conservative dates & numbers available. I'm only assuming the factory didn't skip sequences.
Between March 24, 1972 and April 19, 1972 there were 7351 Z Chevy's built. That's the low end, divided by 27 days instead of 26, but a solid guide. That's 272 trucks per day and 8236 per month.
Between April 19, 1972 and sometime later in April (Mystery April Date, "MAD") there were 2502 Z Chevy's built.
If it's assumed MAD is the last day in April, then 9853 Z Chevys were built between March 24,1972 & April 30, 1972. That's on the low-end because I must be MAD, I mean the MAD is April 30th.
Using the number 9853, that's 259 trucks per day or 7908 trucks a month for the period. Strictly a guess, personally I think this is somewhat misleading, not sure why I went here

EDIT: Irony, I now see that Z164046 has a 04/28/72 build date. That was a Friday and 259 pencils out after all.
Using the 03/24/1972 date (Z154193) for my 72 Super (Z146839) there's a difference of 7354 trucks. If March 1st is assumed through 03/24/72, then at 259 (minimum) trucks per day that's 6216 trucks. Bummer, still 1K short. If 272 trucks per day is used then still short 800.
That said my sticker is faded, just at that corner too, go figure. But a magnifying glass says "/72" and I'm mostly sure the month is "3". It's so faded it could be gone next month.
In my edgeucated opinion (90/10+) Z146839 is March 1972, though if you add it asterisk at your discretion.