Changed my seat out.
The truck came to me with some shoddily shimmed in ‘93 Silverado seats. Comfy, but didn’t look right (to me). I’ve been looking for a seat and finally saw a ‘69 seat about 1.5 hours drive from me. Fellow wanted $50 for it. Has a duct taped end and it’s red, or used to be. Everything’s there, everything works, the foam is in good condition, springs are all intact. His truck was there, originally bought by his father. He found a nice set of buckets, which is why he ditched this one.
Old seats out, new seat in. Mama and I will run it for a week or so to ensure we want to live with it, then it’s carpet and cover time.
Good thing I got the smaller diameter steering wheel... Not as much belly room with this new seat!
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