Thread: 55.2-59 Flexplate rabbit hole
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Old 12-29-2020, 12:40 AM   #7
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Re: Flexplate rabbit hole

once decided, before you buy a flex plate, check the local parts stores and/or transmission parts supplier. the transmission shops buy their parts from the local trans parts guy, not usually the local auto parts store, so that's where the deals can be had. they can usually supply anything related to the transmission, flexplate, starter, shim packs, etc. no use paying for shipping or waiting with fingers crossed that you will get what you need from a mail order place. buy local, support local if the price is good. transmission parts suppliers deal in those parts exclusively.
on the starter also check the local starter/alternator rebuilders for a new unit (or rebuilt unit if you are ok with that). sometimes a locally rebuilt unit can be better than a new aftermarket part simply because it is a guys reputation that keeps the store open. they also know what parts work and last better than others. they are also probably not inclined to sell you a poorly put together new unit. they deal with starters and alternators exclusively.
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