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Old 01-02-2021, 04:56 PM   #10
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Re: Wiper Motor Install (Grommets, Seals, Timing Marks)

Originally Posted by Rich72C10 View Post
as I feared none of GMCPaul's grommets came with a grounding stinger. Very disappointing - since if I had not stumbled on the threads here about the Wiper Motor grounding I would have installed these non-the wiser.

Though now I need to figure out how to remove that one grommet and then re-design a ground between the motor and something in the dash.

I have to say, between my Tach upgrade (lens/speedo tin issue) and these grommets that I got from GMCPaul's, I am getting a bit frustrated with their parts :'(
We sell the wiper motor grommets the same as GM did without ground strap and per product description no ground straps is mentioned only the grommet. The straps come attached to the motors whether new, or rebuilt, the metal sleeve in wiper motor grommet can be removed to remove grommet without needing to remove ground strap. So no need to drill out the ground strap rivet. The only reason to replace a ground strap would be if damaged or missing.
Regarding the tach conversion issues the defect with them occurred mid-year 2020 just prior to your purchase and we only learned of the defects in Sept. / October of this year up till then 20+ years without a issue with these parts and something you would only catch after installation, and we've replaced all lenses that had issues and notified manufacturer of the issue with lenses and tin and the last we spoke with the supplier no other vendor has informed them of the issue so we are the only pro active vendor to notify them and their tachometer conversion is sold by 80-90 % of vendors selling them. The supplier has removed all defective lenses to our knowledge and they are having tooling redone to correct tin issue on speedo but thats a 6 month to a year or more fix in normal times let alone during all the issues from Covid. So things are being corrected.
Paul Jr @ GMCPauls
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