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Old 01-08-2021, 01:43 PM   #10
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Re: To wet sand or not.

There are a couple of factors at play here.

1. Your clearcoat is failing in some places. There isn't a way to "correct" that short of new paint. You can sand it out, just realize that what you're left with is essentially a single stage at that point as you'll have no protective clear where you've removed the failed clear. Just trying to ensure you don't have too high expectations. I've had people come to me with similar paint to correct and I usually talk them out of spending the money .

2. Start with the least aggressive methods and then go more aggressive if you're not getting the results you want.

3. Not really a good way to keep the pinstripes AND correct the paint under/behind it. That's why you generally want to have the art done after base, before clear. If the stripes were spaced out more you might be able to get in there with a 1". At this point you're talking about having to use a dremel with tiny polishing tips if you really want to keep the stripes.

At this point you might be ahead to wait, save up $500-1k for even a cheap Maaco job, and then spend the elbow grease wet-sanding and correcting that job. Even a cheap single stage is going to provide more protection than what you likely have now.
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