Originally Posted by ChevyRacefan
ok: bare with me.
I love and hate tinted side and rear glass. it is a royal pain at night.
Now, having said that, my childhood eye glasses tinted dark when out in the sun, but was clear glass (plastic) when no sunlight .
Why has this not become used an automotive glass either oem or aftermarket.
It seem ( my opinion) to be the best of both worlds, clear glass at night, but tinted when the sun is blindingly bright.
Why isn't this a thing with replacement glass?
Expense mainly. Timing, too.
The photochromatic lenses [photo-sun, photo sensative] you describe can be made in small units like eyeglasses, but it might be expensive to do it to a full front glass windshield, or all the windows in a vehicle.
If it's not that expensive, it may be illegal in some states. You cannot control the sunlight. If the Sun ducks behind a cloud, your windshield may still be darker, as it's not instantly reactive, but takes several minutes to change. Drive from a bright Arizona day into a tunnel and you'd be blind. By the time your windshield reacts to the dark by lightening up, Bam! you're in full sun again.
I've had a few pairs of glasses, both prescription and sunglasses, with the PhotoSun treatment, so I know how they work.