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Old 01-09-2021, 01:12 PM   #18
The Older Generation

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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Montezuma, Iowa
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Re: off topic a little, maybe but how do you have the energy

I would rather be in the shop or outside working than anything else in the world. I don't do TV but I am on here more than I should be. If I have a project or individual parts of a project I'm working on I often have to tell myself "just do it".

I have been working on old cars and trucks since I was 15 and have loved every minute of it. Sure I have had lag times when the kids were growing up and I was working every day.

This month I have been retired for 23 years and have spent a lot of time in the shop. Here is my secret, I buy project trucks that have already had the body work and paint done. I have "built" the following vehicles since I retired in 1998.

1967 Chevy BB short bed (White)
1972 GMC Long bed (Silver)
1971 Chevy Long bed (Red/White)
1969 Chevy Suburban Blue/White
1972 Chevy C30 Dually (blue)
1967 Chevy LS1 Panel Truck (Ochre Primer)
1971 Chevy 4x4 (Dark Blue)
1936 Ford 5 Window Coupe (Light Blue)

All but the '71 Chevy long bed, '67 Chevy Panel Truck, and the '36 Ford Coupe have been project trucks I bought with body work & paint done.

I am working on 2 Trucks and one car at this time and have 6 old cars and trucks that I drive regularly. My wife and kids call me a workaholic. I know it will all end one of these days but until that time I'll see you in the shop...


Locksmith, Specializing In Antique Trucks, Automobiles, & Motorcycles

(My Dually Pickup Project Thread)

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