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Old 01-10-2021, 06:55 AM   #15
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Re: The question no one ever asked.

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
Maybe it's not a thing because it's "almost" as easy to lower the sun visor or just put on sunglasses. I get it, tint is "cool" but I've lived in the CA desert and TX most of my life and never really felt the need to tint my windows. Don't get me wrong, that's just me - lots of people in SoCal tinted their windows, but then again they also wore sunglasses to be twice as cool
My thinking isn't about looking cool, it is about being cool, and laso not having faded interior from the sun bleaching it.
I think the reason todays vehicles interiors come in black, black, black or if you are lucky a charcoal or gray, or tan only, is because of the fading problems of the other colors.
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