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Old 01-10-2021, 06:23 PM   #11
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Re: Steering column choice for 57

Originally Posted by 57FleetsideC4 View Post
Thanks for the input guys. I have been looking at the ididit and flaming river columns and they look nice. It's hard to see the difference between a $300 column and a $1000 column. If its saftey it would be cheap insurance to get the ididit,flaming river. Steve
it's definitely safety related. the cheap columns are know to break at the tilt column joint and send the vehicle in the ditch or across the center line. i'll let dsraven post the link, i'm not seeing it now

gm spent millions and years of engineering to perfect the steering column
my column came out of an 86 gmc safari minivan, same van as the astro
it's pre-airbag with tilt, turn, key on column and hi/lo dimmer
you do need to cover up the bottom if you worry about fugly
i used the van steering wheel, always meant to put on a classic wheel, but i like it

nicest thing? IT COST ME $35
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