Originally Posted by RSR-R
my steering column is on its end. Don't like that he sometimes falls out of the parking. I am looking for a good used automatic steering column. may be shorter than the current one, some more space is welcome. It must be shipped to the Netherlands. Restoring my current one is not an option in the Netherlands.
Hi Ron,
Welcome to the truck board.
Before you replace the column try this:
With the lever in the Park position spray some PB Blaster, Liquid Wrench, or some other type of penetrating oil into the steering column, where the shift lever goes in. Don't be afraid to give it a good dousing. After you spray it pull the shift lever up toward you and push it back down toward the dash. It should move up and down a couple of inches. Do this 4 or 5 times. This will help free up any sticking in the shift lever tube. The reason the shift lever moves up and down is because it should be pulled back towards you to shift it into and out of the park position. It wouldn't hurt to spray the tube and levers under the hood too.