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Old 01-11-2021, 01:07 PM   #25
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Re: Upgrade to 5 speed manual

I got a response to my email from Advance Adapters. The information they gave me is that it is not a simple swap. Here are the links they provided me:

Mechanical Clutch Linkage Adapter: $28.87

96 and up NV4500 bell housing adapter kit: $418.20

Or 93-95 NV4500 Adapter kit: $438.48

"Note: This bellhousing assembly can also be used with the SM465 4 speed transmissions."

The local transmission guy I talked to about this said the used NV4500 transmissions around here go for about $1,000 from a junkyard, but they might come with a 1 year warranty.

Looks like $500 is the typical core charge for transmission rebuilders, with $2K for an upgraded NV4500 plus shipping and tax, plus add about $500 for the adapter stuff. I am nut sure that my stock clutch will work, based on what I am reading.

I have heard and read that you can just replace the SM465 with an NV4500 and it is a simple bolt in operation but there is conflicting informaton.

Also, I would think I would need a new shifter and maybe a cutout modification of the transmission tunnel hole.

With a new driveshaft required I think this swap could easily be in the $4K range or more.
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