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Old 01-15-2021, 06:38 PM   #201
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Re: 51 Chev on a S10 frame, named Dale

Hi Guys,

Took a bit of a break on the truck while it was being used outside with Santa.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do for door panels til I saw this youtube video and thought I would give it a try.

So, I started with 1/8 fibreboard, spray adhesive, some 1/4 staples, some 3mm yoga mats, and some grey vinyl.

First I made a paper template of the door panel. I only made it to go down to the curve, as the fibreboard will not bend that much, and I plan to add carpet to the bottom 6+/- inches.

Then I cut out a piece of fiberboard and drew on my pattern. Ended up with 6 vertical panels at the bottom, and 1 large panel at the top that will have the window and door handle, as well as the arm rest. (originals from my 67 Tempest, painted and pads were wrapped in grey vinyl)

Then I cut each panel out of another piece of fibreboard, and glued pieces of the yoga mat to it. (cushion)

Then I glued and stapled each piece onto the full size door panel.

I have not installed them yet, as I will be doing a lot of interior work this winter and don't want them getting damaged.

For about $100 in material, here is what I have.
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