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Old 01-16-2021, 07:16 PM   #2
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Re: 66 C10 American Auto Wire kit install ongoing questions

I think the blue wire is oil pressure sending unit and the green is temp sending unit. make sure you run the wires and any looms to hide them as best you can before you cut and terminate the ends. I know the engine harness mates to a plug on the I terminated the end of the plug that connects to the firewall and left the wires full length that go to the starter, distributor, etc. I then cut them to length once I had them how I wanted them run. On any wires I didn't use I rolled up and zip tied out of the way. I didn't cut them short until I was 100% sure I wasn't going to use them. You can also fold them up and hide in wire looms if you want. I did put heat shrink on the ends of any unterminated wires for my own peace of mind.
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