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Old 01-21-2021, 08:03 PM   #1
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Posts: 30
66 C10 Carburetor Advice for 292 engine w/307 rear

My 66 C10 has a 63 292 (3 on tree) that came out of a school bus (installed back in 1981). Long history and haven't driven it much until I swapped the rear end from a 373 to 307 last year. I have a Rochestor B single barrel (that came off the original 230 I think) and I am looking for advice on a better combination. My truck is slowly turning into a daily driver and I am looking for a combination of good power and fuel economy.. I'm also wondering if the air cleaner assembly is correct since that also came off the orioginal 230 (I think). She runs pretty well but I'm wondering if this setup is ideal. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
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