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Old 02-03-2021, 01:32 PM   #6
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Re: Steering Stabilizer for 2WD

I just removed a stabilizer from my 77 that was on it when I bought it. Removed it to have better access to the fuel pump area from beneath the truck. I wondered myself why there would be one on a 2wd truck. I saw one also on a crew cab 2wd that I took a part off of. I had a 79 K10 that had the stabilizer from the factory but that was a straight axle truck. I remember one day driving down the highway at about 55 and all of a sudden the 79 went into a serious wobble. The stabilizer had given up the ghost. So I'm going to leave it off for now and see how it drives when I can get it back out on the road. As to how it is attached, mine has the bracket with the u bolts clamped to the passenger side of the center link and the other bracket bolted to the inner frame rail on drivers side.
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