Under hood stuff
Cleaning out the shop, here’s some stuff we’ve had for a while. Prices plus shipping.
Fans $20 each
6 cyl fan and shroud $20
Fan extensions $8 each
292? balancer $25
Power steering pump (works) with bracket $50 SOLD
Power steering half bracket $15
Alternator bracket has been milled out wider than factory for an experiment. With arm SOLD
4 speed starter, pulled from running truck. $20
Power brake booster brackets $50
Powder coated orange pulley (actually for a car) $25
Single balancer pulley $10
Double groove balancer pulley $10
Throttle linkage powder coated black with clips $15 each
6 cyl engine mount towers powder coated semi gloss black $60
V8 towers $45 SOLD
“Rayco” AC compressor? bracket $15
1965 c/10 swb
1969 c/10 lwb
Last edited by chev-obsession; 02-13-2021 at 11:57 PM.