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Old 02-08-2021, 11:44 PM   #1
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Location: West Kelowna, BC, Canada
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Outer skin flange to door frame repair methods

Interested in other peoples methods to clean up rust and pitting under flange. After much indecision, I have come up with this- Cut off the flange of the outer skin leaving about 1/8 inch at the bend so as not to disturb the outer skin. Grind down the rust and pitting on the now exposed door frame until about 90% of the pitting is eliminated. (I noticed that the door frame is about 14g so I think it is OK to loose a bit of this thickness). For the remaining few pits, drill them out and spot weld those spots. Grind smooth. Cut a very narrow strip of 18g and weld along the join (tack and fill) thus creating the replacement flange. (Copper rich weld through primer between the layers)
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