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Old 07-10-2004, 09:28 AM   #4
Joe R
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Mariposa, CA
Posts: 29
Thanks guys, the drivetrain is in good shape. The motor I believe has maybe 50k on the rebuild, still the original block and tranny. The tranny was rebuilt about 20k ago, frontend was rebuilt about the same time with rubber bushings. The springs do need replaced the front, I have them just never put them in. Yes gas is a killer over here right now and this truck is lucky to get 8-10 MPG. No A/C is a real pain. My thing is I would really want to sell it to someone who will take care of it. So I want to price it high enough to weed out the goofballs but not to high that I scare off a good buyer. I'd take a hit on the price to sell it to someone I know will take care of her.

I will probably leave it as is, right now I just listed it in the local paper, if I dont get any interests I might throw it on Ebay to see if I can get some interest. Unfortunately it doesnt do the poor truck any good sitting in front of the new house exposed to the weather and the neighbor kids with their basketballs

Thanks for all the input guys, appreciate it.
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