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Old 02-13-2021, 09:30 AM   #4
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Re: Quadrajet- How much warp is warped?

hi,i do alot of Quadrajets here and you're right,It's not uncommon to see the air horn's always from folks overtightening the 2 5/16 bolts on the front corners.i always use small flat washers on those bolts and the 2 rear and leave the power bar in the tool box.i could look up what the correct torque is but i know it's not much.i did an Oldsmobile carb a few years ago for a fella,the airhorn was bent so badly,could've used a yard stick to measure the bend,never mind a feeler gauge,so i thought i had to try something,nothing to lose.i put the airhorn on the edge of my steel table and gave it a couple of bumps with a dead blow hammer.i didn't know if it would break the casting but it didn't.i was able to get it close,finished the carb.i did show the pieces to the customer while it was apart,told him i didn't have much hope that it would work.he said put it together,so i did,sent him on his way and no idea how he made out,he never came back but i have done the same thing with airhorn's just out a little and have had good success.probably isn't right or recommended in the grand scheme of things but sometimes a fella has to do what a fella has to do.
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