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Old 02-15-2021, 03:54 PM   #8
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Re: 1972 C20 -Airride conversion-

@SCOTI for me it's an easier option than making custom cables and rerouting them.

Something else that needed rerouting...
There now is a big air compressor right in the way of the upper coolant hose.
Because finding a fitting hose and a fitting thermostat housing isn't an easy task, I decided to make my own.

Gave it a mount on the end, so the weight isn't all on the thermostat housing boltholes.

With this pipe, it's basicly a straight hose form here to the radiator.

Also made an aircleaner for the compressor.
It's basically 2 leafblower filters on a pipe.
Will get new filters, these are just for mockup.

Then on to this thing

The power steering pulley.

This is the last pulley on the engine that needed fitting.
But ofcourse it doestn't fit anymore.
Put it on a piece of allthread. locked it in bitween nuts, and added another nut apart from that.

Than welded the outside of the pulley to the nut.

This way I could cut it in the laith without messing it up.
than just turn the outside rim to the measured distance apart.

I than added a piece of tube and welded it thogether

The pulley came out to be more straight than it ever was

Gave it a quick rattlecan black, and fitted it to the pump.

it's close, but there is room...

Ordered a belt that will be here tomorrow. than the pulley madness will finally get to an end.

I've also shortened the swaybar mounting brackets. And installed the original swaybar.


All Ideas, advice, critisism is welcome. Nothing better to learn from.

'72 C/20
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