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Old 07-10-2004, 08:55 PM   #2
It just doesn't matter
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Huntington Beach, Ca
Posts: 1,660
I think the fairest deal would be to evaluate how "close" you and the neighbor are, or could be...You know if he's a Truck Guy too, it might be worth "donating" it to him just as a way to open the lines of communication...

He might have some really useful tools that maybe you don't want to have to buy.....

He might have friends in useful places ( Read: autoparts store )

I mean after all, what is more important here...a few bucks, or having that litttle edge to use in your favor????

:p I am sort of joking with you a bit, but sometimes I think people get too caught up in what something is "worth"....The bottom line is this- It's worth whatever he's willing to give you for it and you're willing to sell it for. As long as both of you are happy with the deal, thats all that matters.....There is no real right or wrong answer here.

Just my 2 cents.

05 Chevy Silverado..... A rogue BMW guy....

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