Thread: 47-59 Worst paint job ever
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Old 02-23-2021, 12:06 PM   #6
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Re: Worst paint job ever

I have had a couple of setbacks that cost a lot of money and time. Some I have to say were at least partially my fault. Most were depending on someone else. I seriously considered parking it for another 30 years. About 3 years ago I regrouped and decided to just do it myself. If I don't know how, I learn. If I don't have the tool I save up and buy it. I am now dedicated to my build and have put off my retirement to finance it. It has truly became a labor of love. I don't have a wife or kids and not much family. Being able to share my experiences with you folks is fun. I would suggest taking a deep breath and thinking about how cool you can make your truck and the joy it will bring you. It's the journey. Thank you for your time.
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