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Old 02-23-2021, 06:27 PM   #11
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Re: ID'ing a 350 Cam

Thanks for the additional info guys!

So this engine is in an '88 V30 dump truck. Dad had a cam put in for extra power towing and hauling not knowing about the ECM deal...

Currently has an ECM and throttle body from his old 1991 Cheyenne 2500 (GMT400 truck). Would a stock cam for a '91 350 be correct? Or will any stock cam '87 - '91 work? Not sure if GM changed ECM parameters over those years, or kept them all the same. Or if being from a GMT400 would make a difference. I also have a few more computers kicking around from the late 80's.

Searching online I found, figured he would be the best place to have a chip burnt if necessary...

Is this the 30-30 cam you mentioned?

I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff so any more info you guys have would be appreciated. Looking to get this truck running correctly the simplest way possible. More than happy with stock power at this point since it's probably had half that at best it's whole life...

Swapping out the cam with a stock, correct new one and NOT having to touch the computer chip would be preferred.

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