Thread: 47-59 Worst paint job ever
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Old 02-23-2021, 09:50 PM   #9
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Re: Worst paint job ever

Well let me just say. the guy did a good job on the paint, he is a painter but not a body and fender man, the driver door lower hinge was rusted out so he replaced that. But the truck is ruff all over. I do enjoy my 54, and I will put the bigger motor in that truck,I need to take it out of the 58 anyway. Also I won't give up on the 58.just really bummed. I just need to do most of the body work my self. My wife works at a place where they build Drones, her job is the smoothing and sanding the body's before the final paint. She told me she could do the body work and it would be perfect. I will take some pictures this weekend, and see what you think
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