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Old 02-27-2021, 02:07 AM   #1
F’B’D guy
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1980 K20, 350 with a Quadrajet has left me stranded....1400 mile trip

Did a fly and buy and .....tryin’ to drive

Picked it up this afternoon and left from Alta Loma, California. Gott stuck in traffic on 210, it started to not idle, then traffic let up and a few miles later it started to die at speed (60mph) barely got off 210 in San Burnardino. I think the quadrajet is messed up maybe? Seems to be getting fuel, but acts like it’s starving. I unhooked the fuel line and put it in a bottle and it looks to be pumping OK. Took the in line fuel filter off and tapped it on the ground and nothing came out except gas, no trash. I’ll sleep in the thing tonight and try and figure it out tomorrow.

The Truck is quite original except for the 350 that was put in about 30,000 miles ago. It came with a 400. It has not been driven much prior to me buying it.

Anyone know an old school garage/shop in the area?


Last edited by 57NAPCO; 03-02-2021 at 10:01 AM.
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