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Old 03-01-2021, 03:39 PM   #8
Second Series
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Re: Keep the original speedometer.

Thanks for the suggestions 1project2many! I found a post where someone changed their ’89 Blazer from cable to electric, so I think the ’89 Blazer speedo housing might also work, although I don’t know if that is an NP241? I really wanted to go with a hardware solution. There are passthrough devices to generate an electronic signal for ECM that attach in-line to the speedo cable, I would need to add that and also a DRAC since I’m doing a frame swap and keeping pretty much everything. My donor rig has the DRAC incorporated into the gauge cluster. I didn’t know what a DRAC was or does, so I started reading. By the time I wrapped my mind around the subject I was too deep in the rabbit hole to get out. I decided to try to build a motor drive. It has been a fun and challenging project.
'47 Panel to '88 K2500 Frame Swap
Mechanical Speedometer Drive Solution
1947.2 1 ton Chevy Panel
1955.2 Chevy 6700 Bus/RV
1990 Chevy K1500
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