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Old 03-04-2021, 11:33 AM   #7
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Re: My’56 Chevy Shortbox Build

hey sar, what kinda shape is the spare cab in? changing a roof can be more difficult than you may think. if you have registration for the other cab and it's in decent shape you may wanna just swap the cab instead of the roof.
common rust areas in the cabs:
-around the roof drip rail, check for bubbles and soft spots all the way around
-inside the cab above the windshield
-outside the cab above the windshield
-the lower corners of the pinch weld area that holds the windshield in place
-the rear window pinch weld area that holds the rear glass in place
-inner cowls, that is the area behind the floor vents. water runs down and collects in the cowls because the drains plug. it sits in there until it dries up so if it rains a bunch or snow melts and freezes in there the water level can rise until water runs out on the floor through the vent doors. then if rusts the floor, the lower hinge pillars and that whole area, the front cab mounts, the steps and rockers etc
-rear cab corners
-rear cab mounts, this is a dirt sandwich usually so the dirt holds moisture and rots the sandwich out
look at the patch panels available online and then check your cabs for rot in those areas. they don't make patch panels for stuff that isn't a common seller. sometimes they don't make patch panels for stuff that is a common problem, lol. you kinda won't really know what you have until you take it apart and blast it or grind off the old paint etc. sometimes the old farm bodywork can be 1/2" thick bondo over bare metal, which collects moisture and rusts the bare metal over time. I advise to get it apart, blast it and epoxy it right away, then decide when you see what you have left. ask your Napa guy if he has access to the CMax body shop parts. it is Napa's body shop division, at least in Calgary it is. use care when disassembling parts because what you think is junk you may be able to sell. thinking about your rear fenders etc. not cheap for repops and guys want the original stuff if available. I had a set of rusty bent rear fenders and steps, actually the whole long box step side. beat like crazy and rusted bad. I had a guy approach me who just had to have it and traded me some doors, a hood and some small parts. just saying.
when you get a minute snap a few pics of the truck from all angles so we can see what you have top work with. looks good from the first pics.
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