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Old 03-10-2021, 04:36 PM   #9
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Re: What's the best upgrade? 1959 Apache

dsraven, lmao. Thank you!

"Improve my ride" can be different for everyone. I like having sway bars and a truck that doesn't seem to dodge and dive when cornering. I also have found that the ride quality is less important than the noise level in the cab. If the vehicle makes a bunch of noise on bumps then it really bothers me, even if it has a smooth ride.

Sway bar is easy to install.

Rebuilding springs is not technically challenging although it is likely to be a bunch of work.

Making interior quiet? Possibly a challenge. Good door gaskets and proper adjustment can do wonders even if the cab is rusty.

Adding strength to the steering components so they are less flexible? Still working on an easy solution for that.
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