No the springs didn't go to scrappyland, I saved the frame, it's still in the backyard. We managed to get it into the bed of my '68 without using a hoist, just a jack and some wood if you can believe that. I thought about saving the frame, but it appears to be too rusted to save as well. A couple of the body mount braces are shot and the rear of the frame rails looks pretty unsecure. I had originally planned to save it and put another '75 body on it (of which I have almost 75%), but I feel that it would be a waste of time now. Currently, I am saving everything I can off the frame, including the springs, hangers, and any body mounts that are any good. All in all, it's no big loss since I saved just about everything off the truck, all that will be scrapped in the end is the body, dash, and frame rails. Everything else lives on in my great big ol' pile of parts.