Originally Posted by roll_the_dice
I am interested in this as well...I have not put my vent back in yet for this very reason! Since I have air (I think you do too), I was going to use a block off plate, but I like the look of the vent...
I like the look and the function of a vent just in case something goes wonky in the future with the air in a jam and it's raining or something. Vintage air provides a block off plate for the passenger side only since the evaporator makes it too tight, but the American Autowire issue I wasnt expecting.
Originally Posted by EricWS1976
I just started my AAW installation & noticed this too. My plan is to bend the arm down a little to clear the fuse box. I’m interested to hear what AAW’s official recommendation is on this.
I thought about bending too and will if I cant reduce the fusebox profile off the firewall. It will make it that much harder to reach bending downward though to grab it. Ill let you know if they have a recommendation.