Re: 1960 to 66 C10 truck prices
I picked up our 1964 (still a project) in 2019. Got it for $3800 with no engine or trans. I saw an article from Hagerty within a year saying that the 60-66 C10s were the fastest appreciating classic car, for several quarters in a row. I'm not sure if they are still at the top, but the secret is out! Personally I think it's a follow on effect from the 68-72 prices that skyrocketed a few years ago. People decided that they couldn't afford the 68-72 that they really wanted, so they started snapping up the previous generation trucks. On the positive side, I got in while the costs were still relatively low, so hopefully I won't be in this truck for more than I can get out of it. Those costs really add up over time!