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Old 03-25-2021, 10:54 PM   #21
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Re: Back again, this time with my dream truck. 1999 2 door 2wd Tahoe

And before anyone hates on my front turn signals, they were $17 on ebay and the only ones I could find that had what I wanted (smoked lens with an orange reflector strip to stay legal). The top and bottom had the reflector on opposite sides (manufacturing defect) but lol, I say screw it, just gives it more character.

I also grabbed some ebay halo headlamps with projectors and hate them. I hate how they look and they did nothing to make the road brighter and such a pita to adjust. They also mounted crooked af but I got a crazy discount, so now that she is dropped, I'm probably going to wire up the halos into a relay and see how close I can adjust the beams to what is safe for everyone.
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