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Old 03-29-2021, 10:13 PM   #1
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Porterbuilt Mild DM and Steering Concerns

What’s up guys. I Im having a bit of an issue with my steering setup. I’m currently running a mild / touring drop member from PB along with the mustang rack. The column that was on the truck was way to long to and was just not going to work with the angles needed. I’m not sure if even the IDIDIT 30” column will work. The mild setups tend to use 3 joints and the helm to keep things in place.
I’ve seen a few setups where the columns are really close to the firewall but not sure how short you can actually go with a column shift ?? By it being shorter you can use just 2 joints rather than 3.
It seems like things are really tight in that area.
I’m waiting on a 30” column to try out.
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