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Old 04-03-2021, 07:43 PM   #1
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Location: Euless, Texas
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Runs rough when accelerating

Engine started running rough this last week on accelerating. Runs normal in Park or Neutral while revving. Runs rough in gear sitting still also. Replaced plugs and the in-carb fuel filter today and no difference. Truck died on the street last weekend and I found a vaccuum hose had split on the end and fell off. Trying to restart I flooded carb and could not start for a while. This flooding may have caused an issue in the carb. The last rebuild was July 2017. Thinking I may need to rebuild again, not sure.

Any help is appreciated.
1974 Cheyenne 10 LWB Stock 350 W/HEI /TH350/AC/4 BBL Quadrajet

Mopar by Birth
Chevy by Choice
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