Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Great work! The lights look pretty good in there. Nice work on the fuel tank and sides. It's amazing how much time these projects will eat up huh? 
Thanks, Well if my body would quit falling apart, I would have had it finished by now lol, back surgery 2019, 2020 hip surgery, now getting a full hip replacement in a month or so don't have a date yet, with my luck I'll have to have a knee done next year lol. at the moment I am only able to work 2-3 hours a day at most before I can no longer stand. I will probably be down a few months between the surgery and physical therapy. So i'm hoping to get this side done so I can get started on the other side so I can get the truck out of the garage before my surgery.
I picked up a front plate I was looking for something period correct, it's close but its a 90s remake. I was hoping it was steel but its aluminum. It's a bit to nice I was hoping to scratch it up a little and have it rust and make it match the truck but idk.
20210329_141529 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210329_141532 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
That said some of the metal showed up for the sides. i'm skinning the sides in 18 gauge aluminum as at the moment its cheaper than 18 gauge steel. metal prices are way up. 2 years ago I bought some 18 gauge steel 24x48 sheet for $28 its now $63.
I was going to use the old side box door skin, but when I striped it all the way down it had a ton of pitting.
20210326_151330 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
20210329_205914 by
jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
starting on the door skins
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
The fuel tank access door with the ladder cut out.
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr
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jarrod vanwinkle, on Flickr