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Old 04-06-2021, 06:10 PM   #11
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Re: Oil Pressure Gauge

Originally Posted by hatzie View Post
The oil pressure sensor should be 0-90Ω. The 0-60 & 0-80psi senders use the same range of 0-90Ω.
IIRC the oil pressure sender wire dead shorted to ground or 0Ω should be 0psi. Sender unplugged should nail the gauge off the top just like the fuel gauge.
I need to look at my gauge plots to be sure.

If your ceramic calibration resistor is not making good contact with the studs you'll get erratic operation.
I agree, it should operate just like you described ... same as the fuel gauge.

Originally Posted by The Rocknrod View Post
On mine grounding the sender wire on the engine end the gauge needle took a dive past the low side out of sight. That is a good thing I think.
Unplugging the sender - Gauge goes to the bottom of the sweep = 0.
That sounds like you might have an issue with the calibration resistor not making good contact like hatzie described. Or a bad (open circuit) resistor. Either one of those would cause a higher than normal amount of current to flow through the meter movement coil that deflects the needle toward the low end of the scale. And that sounds like what you're describing with the needle going "below zero" with the sender wire grounded.
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