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Old 07-13-2004, 08:53 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Charlotte NC
Posts: 74
10 Bolt Eaton Problem

...I posted this to the wrong board earlier(Suburban Board), sorry.

I have a 1971 Cheyenne 3/4 Ton, originally came with a 350/350. I believe the big ten bolt is the Eaton that everyone has trouble identifying. Looking underneath, from the back of the truck, you see the round pumpkin...the ten bolts are all equally spaced from eachother except at 9 o'clock and at 3 o'clock where two bolts are only like an inch apart instead of three inches.

Okay, so if I indeed have this Eaton, my problem is that the pumpkin is leaking. It leaks about one tear drop per day. Is this crucial, or can I wait a while to fix it?

Where can I find a gasket for this rear end? Should I use cork, rubber, combination of cork and sealant?

Also, the guy I bought it from swears it's a 3.73 gear in the back, but from reading posts on this board, that can't be stock, it would've been an aftermarket swap right?

Sorry so long,

1971 Chevy Cheyenne 3/4 Ton Long bed
400/400 4 bbl quadrajet
3 spd on column
3.73 open diff
dual exhausts
towing package
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