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Old 04-07-2021, 06:14 PM   #1
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O.D.B. - COVID Build

Wanted to share my COVID build... Ole Dirty Bastard... ODB!

ODB is a combination of two trucks. The bed is from a 1969 C30 wrecker that we rescued from the crusher in December of '19. The truck had fantastic patina, but was pretty rusty, but was just too cool to let it get crushed. We got it out of the elements and cleaned it up and it sat for roughly a year.

The Holmes hook assembly was very cool, but it was very heavy and in rough condition. I sold it to a rat-rod buddy of mine who will give it a nice new home. The bed is what had my attention. It was fantastic & the foundation for a neat and different kind of build.

When COVID hit, I knew I needed a project, so I got the C30 out of storage and took it apart. The bed had wonderful patina, so it was the perfect foundation for a complete patina build. Ultimately, the cab for the wrecker needed a complete rebuild due to rust... that means paint & shiny parts... not patina!

A hunt for a rust free cab led me to a rust free 1970 C10 out of Tucson, AZ that had even better patina than the C30 did! It was rust free, running and driving & after striking a deal to purchase it, it arrived at my home in Michigan less than a week later.... let the fun begin.
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6T7 C10
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